Adventure Cycling Club
Adventure Cycling Association’s mission is to inspire and empower people to travel by bicycle. We are the largest nonprofit membership bicycling organization in North America with 47,000 members.
Visit their websiteAlabama Audubon
Alabama Audubon is an affiliated chapter with National Audubon. A person may join as a local member only by paying local Birmingham Audubon dues and will receive the chapter’s newsletter, Flicker Flashes. Membership in Alabama Audubon is available to any individual, family, or business entity interested in the mission of the chapter. It has over 1,000 members.
Visit their websiteAlabama Bicycle Coalition
The mission of AlaBike is to promote cycling access, education and safety and to advocate for safer road environments for all users.
Visit their websiteAlabama Environmental Council
This Summit provided information to citizens and community leaders from across Alabama on the topic of reducing waste and recycling. Municipalities, schools, businesses, and concerned citizens were invited to learn about reducing waste as well as various ways to recycle and grow local economies. Information was provided on building a strong recycling program, developing recycling partnerships, funding opportunities, and success stories throughout the state.
Visit their websiteAlabama Hiking Trail Society
Dedication to planning, building and maintaining safe hiking trails for all to enjoy. Educating the public of the careful use and enjoyment of Alabama’s great outdoors
Visit their websiteAlabama Horse Council
The Alabama Horse Council is an organization that impartially represents Alabama’s horse industry. Whether you are a weekend pleasure rider, horse breeder, trainer, farrier, veterinarian or feed dealer, you have common interests in horses, their promotion and welfare. We have joined together to enact fair and effective regulation affecting horse use, improve state equestrian facilities, increase public understanding of horses and horse use, and enhance the contribution of horses to the quality of life in Alabama. Regardless of the breed, riding discipline, or segment of the horse industry with which we identify, we have united to protect our horses and our industry.
Visit their websiteAlabama Ornithological Society
The Alabama Ornithological Society (AOS) is involved in many worthwhile activities. Check out our website pages to learn more about AOS and the efforts we are currently involved with to promote ethical birding and the conservation of Alabama’s natural resources.
Visit their websiteAlabama Rivers Alliance
Our purpose is to protect & restore Alabama’s rivers. To do this, we advocate smart water policy, organize at the grassroots level, and teach citizens how they can protect their water. We are privately funded and accomplish our mission with the financial support of people like you. Our goal is to achieve healthy rivers, healthy people, and a healthy system of government for the state of Alabama.
Visit their websiteAlabama Scenic River Trail
The Alabama Scenic River Trail is a group navigable waterways that span the state and encompass more than 6,500 miles of the designated river trail. The core section of the river trail extends 650 miles, beginning in Northeast Alabama near Weiss Lake and ending in Fort Morgan, Alabama’s gateway to the Gulf of Mexico. The Alabama Scenic River Trail boasts amenities that include river-front campsites, canoe, and kayak rental shops and trail angels, a network of volunteers who support paddlers on the water. Learn more at, a resource with interactive trip-planning tools.
Visit their websiteAlabama Sierra Club
Alabama Sierra Club’s 3000 members have helped fight for clean water, for Forever Wild and to make Alabama a cleaner, safer place for all of us. And we hike, and bike and bird-watch. Join us to help clean up Alabama and to get outside and enjoy nature.
Alabama State Park VIP
If you have ever visited an Alabama State Park you have shared in the wonder that is at your own back door, and made memories that will last a life-time. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could help other visitors experience the same warm feeling at an Alabama State Park? The VIP (Volunteers In Parks) Program can do just that. Although each park has its own staff to perform many of the daily tasks and duties it takes to operate, there are still areas where only volunteers can help. From campground hosting, improving trails to interpretive lectures and more, you will be able to give others the opportunity to make memories they will cherish the rest of their lives. Each of Alabama’s twenty-two State Parks is looking for volunteers just like you.
Visit their websiteAlabama Trails Association
The Alabama Trails Association (ATA) is committed to connecting Alabama’s mountains to the Appalachian Trail by linking Alabama’s longest trail, the 100 mile Pinhoti (Pin-ho-tee), with the 2,250 mile long Appalachian Trail. It is our primary goal–our main reason for existing! We are an organization of 300 (and growing!) individuals and affiliate groups concerned with the building and maintenance of hiking trails in our state.
Visit their websiteAlabama Water Watch
Alabama Water Watch (AWW) is a citizen volunteer, water quality monitoring program covering all of the major river basins in Alabama. AWW is a part of the Global Water Watch network.
Visit their websiteAlabama Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
The Alabama Wildlife Center is Alabama’s oldest and largest wildlife rehabilitation facility, caring annually for almost 2,000 wild bird patients from more than 100 species. AWC is a nonprofit organization with a dual mission: to provide medical and rehabilitative care for Alabama’s injured and orphaned native birds in order to permit their return to the wild, and to educate people in order to heighten awareness and appreciation of Alabama’s native wildlife.
Visit their websiteAldridge Gardens
Aldridge Gardens is a 30-acre woodland garden featuring hydrangeas nestled in the heart of Hoover. In fact, for many years the property was the home of noted nurseryman Eddie Aldridge who discovered and patented the Snowflake Hydrangea. He and his wife Kay conveyed the property to the city of Hoover in 1997. Complete with a six-acre lake and walking trail, Aldridge Gardens is laden with many varieties of hydrangeas, camellias and other native Alabama plants.
Visit their websiteAlexander City Horse Riding Club
Alexander City Horse Riding Club is for horse enthusiasts of all ages. The Club hosts horse shows and trail rides in various locations in central Alabama.New members are always welcome! Club meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Y’all come!
Visit their websiteAuburn Flyers
The Auburn Flyers are the premier cycling group in the Auburn / Opelika area for college students. With frequent rides and races, the team caters to all levels of riders, entry to advanced. Our members have been riding anywhere from months to years, with all levels of competition represented by the team.
Visit their websiteBack Country Trail Riders of North Alabama
Back Country Trail Riders of North Alabama is a group of individuals and families that enjoy meeting to trail ride our horses together at locations across the Tennessee Valley, and beyond.
Visit their websiteBirmingham Bicycle Club
The mission of the Birmingham Bicycle Club is to promote safe cycling for fitness and recreation for people of all ages.
Visit their websiteBirmingham Botanical Gardens
Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a partnership between the City of Birmingham and Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, an organization of 2,700 family and individual members who support The Gardens. Through funding and advocacy, The Friends further restoration, preservation and development of The Gardens as a resource for everyone in the community. The Friends promote knowledge and appreciation of plants and the environment with educational offerings to over 350,000 visitors annually.
Visit their websiteBirmingham Canoe Club, Inc
The Birmingham Canoe Club, Inc. (BCC) is an active canoe club with over 150 family memberships. We are based in Birmingham, Alabama where we have access to excellent spots to paddle canoes and kayaks. The Birmingham Canoe Club, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and enjoyment of canoeing, kayaking, and all paddle sports. The club is committed to conserving waterways and to promote access to those waterways for all.
Visit their websiteBirmingham Urban Mountain Peddlers
Good for you! You have a made a decision to learn a fun and exciting sport that will keep you healthy and fit for the rest of your life. It is not uncommon to see people in their sixties and seventies on the trails these days! Physically, mountain biking is more like cross country skiing than road cycling. Both forms of cycling are low impact but mountain biking also involves some upper body strength so it is a good all body workout that is so much more fun than a stationary bike! And there are no cars and trucks to worry about!
Visit their websiteBlack People Run, Bike, & Swim
We participate, promote, network and perform in the activities and events of Running, Biking, and Swimming. Our commitment to be accountable to ourselves as Runners, Cyclist, and Swimmers to level up our fitness performance. African-Americans experience debilitating health disparities, we are the catalyst to level this playing field in our communities. We promote activity for African-Americans. It is imperative that we as a community not only address our health but we perform it.
Visit their websiteBlack Warrior River Keeper
Black Warrior Riverkeeper’s mission is to protect and restore the Black Warrior River and its tributaries. We are a citizen-based nonprofit organization dedicated to improving water quality, habitat, recreation, and public health throughout our patrol area, the Black Warrior River watershed. This vital river basin is entirely contained within Alabama, America’s #1 state for freshwater biodiversity. Patrolling waterways, educating the public, and holding polluters accountable has made us an important proponent of clean water throughout the basin. Our staff identifies pollution problems and works on fixing them while increasing public awareness. Black Warrior Riverkeeper is a proud member of Waterkeeper Alliance. Please contact us to report pollution and to inquire about volunteer projects, donations, educational presentations, or public events. Please visit our pages on Guidestar, Facebook, and Twitter as well.
Visit their websiteCahaba River Society
A great diversity of life depends on the Cahaba River, with Alabama’s longest remaining stretch of free-flowing river, the primary drinking water source for one-fifth of the state’s people in the Birmingham metro area, and a treasure of biological diversity of national and global importance.
Visit their websiteCAMP – Central Alabama Mountain Pedalers (Auburn)
To promote trail advocacy, health, wellness, and education by developing,maintaining, and riding sustainable multi-use trails.
Visit their websiteCentral Alabama Offroad Society
Central Alabama Offroad Society (C.A.O.S.) is a 4×4 club in the Birmingham, Alabama area. C.A.O.S. was established in October 1999 as a non-profit club of 4×4 enthusiasts to bring together and promote the interest of family four-wheeling. We strive to create a good image for four-wheelers and provide a family atmosphere. We welcome most any type of 4×4 vehicle from bone stock to highly modified with the exception that no ATV’s, Side by Side’s, or motorcycles are allowed as the primary vehicle. Our members’ rigs consist of everything from Suzuki’s to full size trucks. C.A.O.S. has monthly meetings and trail rides and we would like to extend an invitation to anyone who is interested to come and join us on a ride or at a meeting.
Visit their websiteCheaha Trail Riders
We are dedicated to the Future of Off-Highway Vehicle Trails and OHV Safety and Education in Alabama & Across the USA
Visit their websiteCOGS – Cyclists of Greater Sylacauga
Bicycle club located in Sylacauga, Alabama which hosts annual time trial and a metric century.
Visit their websiteCoosa River Paddling Club
The Coosa River Paddling Club (CRPC) was created by a diverse group of like minded people who all shared a love of adventure in the outdoors and paddling but joined together with one common goal of bringing back minimum and recreational flows to the Coosa River below Jordan Dam.
Visit their websiteDothan MTB Group (Dothan)
This group has been created for mountain biking enthusiasts located in the Dothan area.
Visit their websiteDruid City Bicycle Club
The Druid City Bicycle Club is an organization dedicated to participating in, planning, sponsoring, and encouraging recreational cycling activities in the West Alabama area. DCBC membership is made up of road racers, triathletes, tourists, mountain bikers and fitness cyclists. The club supports community service projects and promotes advocacy for bicycle facilities in the Tuscaloosa area. DCBC club members participate in cycling events around the Southeast, including organized tours, road races, triathlons, duathlons and mountain bike races.
Visit their websiteDucks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited is the world’s leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation. DU got its start in 1937 during the Dust Bowl when North America’s drought-plagued waterfowl populations had plunged to unprecedented lows. Determined not to sit idly by as the continent’s waterfowl dwindled beyond recovery, a small group of sportsmen joined together to form an organization that became known as Ducks Unlimited. Its mission: habitat conservation.
Visit their websiteEast Alabama Cycling Club
The East Alabama Cycling Club is a collection of riders of all abilities, from the novice enthusiast to the seasoned pro. Through monthly meetings, club rides, and sponsored events we seek to promote a safe and fun atmosphere to grow as a cyclist.
Visit their websiteEnvironmental Education Association of Alabama
The mission of the Environmental Education Association of Alabama is to enhance formal and informal educators’ abilities to connect people to the natural world in order to foster responsible stewardship.
Visit their websiteFort Payne Cycling Club
A group of bicyclists in the Fort Payne, AL area who enjoy the sport of cycling.
Visit their websiteFresh Air Family
Welcome to Fresh Air Family! We take fun out into Nature’s biggest playground: The Great Outdoors. Join us to walk in the woods, hike a trail, canoe in a stream, or slog through a bog. We will be looking for birds, flowers, salamanders, stars, cave formations, bugs, rocks, and all of the wonders in our beautiful world.
Visit their websiteFreshwater Land Trust
A land trust is a nonprofit organization that works to protect land through donation or purchase. Land trusts work with willing landowners who wish to donate or sell their land or conservation easements on their land for conservation purposes. According to the Land Trust Alliance, there are over 1,500 land trusts in the nation.
Visit their websiteFriends of Conecuh National Forest
Supporting and celebrating the longleaf pine ecosystem of Conecuh National Forest
Visit their websiteFriends of Red Mountain Park
To promote, enhance, and enjoy Red Mountain Park. Our goals are to spread the word about this project, volunteer our time and talent to enhance the park’s development, and champion the use and enjoyment of the park for the broadest range of citizens.
Visit their websiteFriends of the Talladega National Forest
The Friends of the Talladega National Forest is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to support the recreation and educational opportunities on the Talladega National Forest.
Visit their websiteGeneva State Forest Stakeholder Volunteers
Geneva State Forest Stakeholder Volunteers, LLC strives to promote the conservation of and appreciation for Geneva State Forest.
Visit their websiteHuntsville Canoe Club
The Huntsville Canoe Club is a group of people interested in paddling all types of self-propelled craft – canoes, kayaks, and sit-on-tops – on a variety of types of water. Members’ skill levels and experience range from newcomers to the sport to experts, and our preferred venues range from local lakes to the wildest of white water.
Visit their websiteLand Trust of North Alabama
The Land Trust of North Alabama is dedicated to connecting people with nature. The Land Trust protects and stewards significant and vulnerable natural, scenic, and historic areas to help ensure that our cherished natural resources will be here for all to enjoy for years to come.
Visit their websiteLock It UP Offroad Club
We are the first 4×4 club created in Mobile, Alabama in June of 2000. Our primary goal is to enjoy offroading and fellowship within the hobby with like minded folks. Everyone interested in the hobby of actually using their 4×4 vehicle off road is welcome to come onto our forum, get to know us and ride with us. Also, check out the pictures, member’s pages, and e-mail any member if you have any interest! See ya on the trail!
Visit their websiteMobile Bay Canoe and Kayak Club
We are a group of people who enjoy paddling and sharing our experiences with others. We are not a formal organization. There are no dues, no application forms, no membership lists. All you have to do to “join” our “club” is show up at a paddle, come to a meeting, or just decide you’re a member.
Visit their websiteMobile Bay Kayak Fishing Association
This site is open to all members of the Mobile Bay Kayak Fishing Association and anyone interested in the growing sport of kayak fishing. Here you can find fishing reports, pics and more information concerning kayak fishing and Mobile Bay.
Visit their websiteMontgomery Bicycle Club
The Montgomery Bicycle Club promotes recreational and competitive cycling in the central Alabama area, and seeks to increase bicycle safety and awareness by advocating bicycle-friendly transportation policies in the area. We are not anti-motorist (most of us are motorists ourselves); we are pro-bicycle. Getting a little concerned about motorists and access to roadways?
Visit their websiteNEABA – Northeast Alabama Bicycle Association (Anniston)
The Northeast Alabama Bicycle Association (NEABA) exists to promote safe road and mountain biking. We strive to promote the healthy benefits of cycling by planning and sponsoring quality cycling-related events, and by encouraging both recreational cycling and cycling as a viable means of transportation.
Visit their websiteNorth Alabama Saddle Club Association
NASCA is a charter member of the Alabama Open Horseman’s Association – AOHA. Our association is comprised of 7 affiliate clubs that host point shows in an effort to qualify our members for the AOHA State Show (held on Labor Day weekend in Montgomery, AL). Our shows run from March – August. Each member must attend 8 shows and be ranked within the top 15 to qualify for the State Show.
Visit their websiteNorth Alabama Trail Riders Association
Our purpose is to provide fun, fellowship, social interaction, and family activities with meetings, events, and riding opportunities while promoting the sport of off road motorcycle and ATV riding through safety and education.
Visit their websiteNortheast Alabama Bicycle Club
We strive to promote the healthy benefits of cycling by planning and sponsoring quality cycling-related events, and by encouraging both recreational cycling and cycling as a viable means of transportation.
Visit their websiteOutback Trail Riders
We are the Outback Saddle Club. Just a small horse trail riding club, that enjoys trail riding and being with friends. Please feel free to look at the site and we would love to have new members. We try to ride about every other weekend at different places around Alabama – and sometimes further. We do day rides and some weekenders.
Visit their websiteRocket City Rock Crawlers
RCRC holds a trail ride each month and we try to alternate between easy and hard rides so everyone can have fun. Alcohol and/or drug use is strictly prohibited on all trail rides. This is a family oriented club, therefore, we also ask that you act appropriately regarding actions and language when children are present.
Visit their websiteRuffner Mountain Nature Preserve
Our mission is to protect and manage Ruffner Mountain as a sanctuary for native species of plants and animals; and through our educational and passive recreational programs foster within the community an appreciation of the natural world.
Visit their websiteSAMBA – South Alabama Mountain Bike Assn (Mobile)
The purpose of SAMBA is the promotion & education of responsible off-road bicycling and advocating for quality trail systems in the southern Alabama area that are easily accessible, environmentally sensitive, and to promote an active lifestyle that will give back to the community.
Visit their websiteShoal ATV Riders
We are a family orientated club and ride to keep the trails open. We are compromised of over 175 families and approximately 425 individual members. Guys and gals of all ages including children, sport and utility quads, motocrossers and side x sides are welcome. We encourage people to ride as teams to take on the tougher challenge as this club is truly a family. Our current membership area spans Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
Visit their websiteShoals Cycling Club
Shoals Cycling Club is a blend of cyclists with various interests and skill levels. Members of our club are involved in riding road bikes, mountain bikes, and riding for the sheer joy of being on a bicycle. We seek to involve everyone who loves cycling and want to provide the means by which the members can become better cyclists.
Visit their websiteSierra Club, Alabama Chapter
Founded by legendary conservationist John Muir in 1892, the Sierra Club is now the nation’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization — with more than two million members and supporters. Our successes range from protecting millions of acres of wilderness to helping pass the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act. More recently, we’ve made history by leading the charge to move away from the dirty fossil fuels that cause climate disruption and toward a clean energy economy.
Visit their websiteSipsey Wilderness Hiking Club
Purpose of the Sipsey Wilderness Hiking Club: To support the sport of hiking and protect, promote and enjoy the Sipsey Wilderness Area of the Bankhead National Forest.
Visit their websiteSipsey Wilderness Hiking Club
To support the sport of hiking and protect, promote and enjoy the Sipsey Wilderness Area of the Bankhead National Forest.
Visit their websiteSORBA Huntsville
The Huntsville chapter of SORBA (Southern Off-road Bicycling Association) supports mountain bike advocacy, builds and maintains trails for multiple users, and serves as a resource for the mountain bike community of North Alabama.
Visit their websiteSoutheastern Outings
Southeastern Outings is a non-profit organization committed to sponsoring outings for people who enjoy participating in simple outdoor adventures. All activities of the group are open to the public.
Visit their websiteSoutheastern Outings
Southeastern Outings is a non-profit organization committed to sponsoring outings for people who enjoy participating in simple outdoor adventures. All activities of the group are open to the public.
Visit their websiteSouthern Off-Road Bicycle Association (SORBA)
The Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association (SORBA) is the largest nonprofit mountain biking organization in the Southeast. Our members work with land managers in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee to create trails and trail systems for mountain bikers and other users to enjoy. Through advocacy, education, and recreational opportunities, SORBA carries out its mission to promote land access, trail preservation, and new trail development in order to enhance mountain bike touring, racing, fun, and fellowship for all mountain bicyclists in the southeastern United States.
Visit their websiteSpring City Cycling Club
The Spring City Cycling Club (SCCC) of Huntsville, Alabama was founded in 1892 (yes, over 120 years ago!) for the purpose of the promotion and development of bicycling for sport, fitness, recreation, transportation, and safety education. The Club organizes a wide variety of bicycling activities suitable for all biking enthusiasts. There are club sponsored rides every week throughout the year. The club participates and promotes bicycle advocacy for Huntsville and the surrounding areas. The club also organizes an annual USAC Race in the summer, and a century tour in the fall.
Visit their websiteThe Birmingham Ultra Trail Society
The mission of BUTS is to promote, support and grow the local trail community through service, events and races while creating fun, safe and happy trails.
Visit their websiteThe Nature Conservancy
Our Mission: conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends The Nature Conservancy is working with you to make a lasting difference around the world in more than 35 countries, all 50 states and your backyard.
Visit their websiteThe Southeastern Climbers Coalition
The SCC’s mission is to preserve climbing areas for present and future generations to enjoy.
Visit their websiteUS Army Corp of Engineers
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has approximately 37,000 dedicated Civilians and Soldiers delivering engineering services to customers in more than 130 countries worldwide. With environmental sustainability as a guiding principle, our disciplined Corps team is working diligently to strengthen our Nation’s security by building and maintaining America’s infrastructure and providing military facilities where our servicemembers train, work and live. We are also researching and developing technology for our war fighters while protecting America’s interests abroad by using our engineering expertise to promote stability and improve quality of life.
Visit their websiteUSDA Forest Service
All kinds of rewarding volunteer opportunities are available at the National Forests in Alabama, including trail maintenance, fish and wildlife management, recreation area management, environmental education, interpretation, public information plus many other things. Your talents and skills are matched with your work preference to obtain a role that satisfies you and best fulfills the mission of the Forest Service.
Visit their websiteWAMBA – West Alabama Mountain Biking Association (Tuscaloosa)
Established in 2008, the West Alabama Mountain Biking Association (WAMBA) is a mountain biking organization that is dedicated to promoting trail building and mountain biking.
Visit their website