Nearby Cities: Gulf Shores
Baldwin County
Explore the transition from maritime forest to dune swales discovering different species of plants and wildlife along the way. This trail connects Jeff Friend Trail and Pine Beach Trail. Rating: Moderate (ground may be wet in some areas). Time: 2 hours …
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Nearby Cities: Gulf Shores
Baldwin County
Walk along a dune ridge and see many species of birds and plants that are typical of this transitional habitat between the maritime forest and the frontal dunes. The end of the trail is at the Lagoon and the Pine Beach Trail intersection. Rating: Moder …
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Nearby Cities: Gulf Shores
Baldwin County
Explore maritime forest, wetlands, and Little Lagon. Many species of plants and birds can often be seen along this universally accessible trail. Universally accessible Rating: Easy to Moderate. Time: 1 hour. Distance: 1 mile Loop. Courtesy: US Fish & W …
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Nearby Cities: Gulf Shores
Baldwin County
Explore the plants and wildlife of an intact dune ecosystem that includes maritime forest, scrub and dune habitats. This unique trail features a saltwater lagoon on one side and a freshwater lake on the other. At the 1 mile marker check out the observa …
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Nearby Cities: Mooresville
Limestone County
Located on the Tennessee river between Huntsville and Decatur, the 35,400-acre Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge is a big resort for wintering and migrating birds. Around 300 species of birds have been documented on the reserve, including Sandhill and W …
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