Nearby Cities: Hytop
Jackson County
There are currently 3 hiking trails available. Both the Walls of Jericho Trail (6 miles round-trip) and the Bear Den Point Loop (4.7 miles round-trip) leave from the hiking trail parking lot. The South Rim Trail (1 mile round-trip) leaves from the Clar …
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Nearby Cities: Hytop
Jackson County
A horseback riding trail (8.3 miles one-way) leads down to the Clark Cemetary Campsite. No horses allowed beyond the Clark Cemetary Campsite, foot traffic only. Horses riders can tie up their horses at the campsite and hike the remaning 1/2 mile into t …
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Nearby Cities: Hytop
Jackson County
There are currently 3 hiking trails available. Both the Walls of Jericho Trail (6 miles round-trip) and the Bear Den Point Loop (4.7 miles round-trip) leave from the hiking trail parking lot. The South Rim Trail (1 mile round-trip) leaves from the Clar …
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Nearby Cities: Hytop
Jackson County
There are currently 3 hiking trails available. Both the Walls of Jericho Trail (6 miles round-trip) and the Bear Den Point Loop (4.7 miles round-trip) leave from the hiking trail parking lot. The South Rim Trail (1 mile round-trip) leaves from the Clar …
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