Trail Length: 44 miles
Nearby Cities: Heflin
Cleburne County
Nearby Cities: Heflin
Cleburne County
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Trail Length: 16.3 miles
Nearby Cities: Heflin
Cleburne County
Nearby Cities: Heflin
Cleburne County
Hike through the Talladega National Forest over undulating terrain and past numerous streams and lakes. Camping is also available at the Pine Glen Campground for $3 per night. The Lauren Shelter is available on this segment for overnight camping 4.6 mi …
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Trail Length: 13.6 miles
Nearby Cities: Heflin
Cleburne County
Nearby Cities: Heflin
Cleburne County
Hike through the Talladega National Forest over undulating terrain and past numerous streams and lakes. Lower Shoal Creek Shelter is available on this segment for overnight camping 7.8 miles north of the South FS 500 Trailhead. Camping is also availabl …
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